
Forgotten (Bodaki, Part 13)

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The Canadian heard running footsteps come towards his direction. Then he saw the man and what he held. He had Mat.

"Brandon? What are you doing here? And why the hell is Mat over your shoulder?!" He asked.

"I can't tell you why. But please, don't tell anyone, or I'll have to bring you to him too. I don't want to do this, or do it to you too. Please Rob, I beg of you. The guy who made me do this.. He's insane, and if I don't do what he wants, everyone could get hurt. I'm doing it to protect everyone, but most of all, I'm doing it so Mat doesn't get hurt again. If I do what he wants, everyone will be safe. Promise?" Brandon answered.

Brandon's eyes stared at him with a look that told him that he was telling the truth. The Canadian knew what happened to Mat, and he knew that Brandon was one of the ones who were hurt most by it. The Canadian wanted to protect Mat, but still.. Mat was on Brandon's shoulder and he's unconscious, and Brandon's running into the forest with him. But protecting Mat is something they both needed to do ever since the incident.. So the Canadian promised him that he'd keep it a secret, but he still wondered why..


Another world...

When Bodil came to his senses, he was enveloped in darkness.. Where was he? He felt like he was in a void. He couldn't see anything.. just a dark, black abyss surrounding him. It's weird.. Maybe if he tried to move..? He took a step forward. He could feel ground beneath him, but he didn't know where he was going. Left without anything else, he continued walking.

It's so cold... I feel so weird, like something changed.. I can't remember anything. The snow crunched beneath my grey boots as I took another step, going on and on. I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I am, but there's something telling me that I should just keep walking before something bad happens.


Mat woke up sore in a cold, dark room. What had happened to him? All he remembered was getting blinded before losing consciousness. He took a look around the room. Stone, stone, more stone, door, stone, stone, and guess what? Stone. He saw a figure in the other side of the bars. He slowly got up and went up to the bars.

"Hey, you! Tell me why I'm here!" He shouted.

The figure turned around and smirked at him.
 "Ah, you're awake. Now I can do some testing on you..." They muttered.

"T-Testing? What? Why?" Mat asked.

"I'd also like to introduce you to some people.." The figure continued, ignoring him. "You're going to be here for a bit before I have you do some jobs for me, just like one of your friends did for me."

"Wh-what do you mean? Who did what?"

The man opened the door to his cell, and Mat had to try his hardest to not lunge at him and strangle him. The man lead him to a room and opened the door, pushing him inside and shutting the door behind him.

"Have fun in there. Your friend who did the job for me is in there. You know, the one who brought you to me." The man said behind the door.

Mat heard him walk away. He looked around the room he was in. In the corner, curled up in a ball, was the slime in a business suit.

"Brandon? You did this?" Mat asked. Brandon was shaking.

"I'm sorry... So very sorry.." His voice quivered and he didn't dare bring his head up to look Mat in the eye.

"Brandon, look. Just tell me what happened. I won't hurt you." Mat attempted to comfort him.

"I wanted you to be safe.. I didn't want to see you get hurt again.." Brandon mumbled.

"But Brandon, you see here, you're in the corner of a dark room crying and shaking. Yes, I am perfectly fine, but you, you're broken inside. Brandon, look at me." Mat said. He grabbed Brandon's chin and forced him to look up at him, but Brandon just looked away.

"Brandon. Look. At. Me." Mat demanded.

Brandon looked up, and Mat could see the fear in his eyes like he'd snap his neck right then, despite the reassurance that he wouldn't hurt him. Brandon stopped shaking.

"Why do you care..?" Brandon asked.

"Because, I'm your friend. I care about friends. Friends don't hurt each other. Now, why are you working for this guy, and who is he?" Mat inquired.

"It's Jordan, Mat. An insane, arachnophobiac's nightmare version. He has fricking poison man, and he can make you turn into these mob hybrid things and make you his minions! He can control you, Mat. He's taken over Seto. He framed Seto and made it so it seems he's the reason why Baki's in the state he's in. And he's leading Martin right into his trap. He plans to take over him, use his massive amounts of TNT and things. If he controls you or anyone else who is good with redstone, he's going to blow this place up. Not just the building, the entire city. He's going to start the apocalypse, man. The freakin' apocalypse." Brandon explained.

"So, Jordan is an insane spider hybrid who can poison others and control them and make them do his bidding, and he's done this to Seto and made it seem he put Baki in a coma with the potion, and since he knows Martin is really good friends with him, he's lead him to this trap so he can take over him make him plant bombs all over the city and explode it with redstone wiring and start the apocalypse with his hybrid minions?" Mat processed his words.


"Also, where's Tyler?" Mat asked. As if on cue, a loud scream of pain echoed throughout the building. "Well.. I guess he's in pain."

"No Mat, you don't understand.. He's testing on him, and I think the process is almost complete. He's one of his mob minions now, and who knows what he could be. I have a feeling you're going to be his next subject, and I don't want to lose you to him or anyone." Brandon murmured.

"Well, I guess Jordan didn't check me for redstone and TNT, because we can blast our way out of here." Mat said.

He placed down a block of TNT in the opposite corner of the room, put down a redstone torch next to it, and went back to the other corner. The TNT set off, leaving a small hole that they could get through and escape their cell.

"Let's break out the other while we still can."

Mat ran to the other cells, looking for other prisoners. He came across four cells which had two people inside each of them. They looked familiar, but he wasn't really sure of who they were.

^"Hey Austin, when do you think we're gonna get out of here?" Mat heard one of the prisoners speak to the other. Their voice was muffled, and when Mat peered closer into the cell, he saw that the convict wore a white helmet with red streaks. He was shirtless, barring the grey sash over his chest, and wore gauntlets and grey trousers with a red and orange swirl pattern. 

>"I don't know Alex, I don't know." The other, apparently Austin, answered. Austin's skin was practically the same color as his hair; golden like the sun. His clothing was made of leather, on his torso, it wrapped in an X formation; plus shorts, held up by a silver belt with a red buckle, that were not very long; as well as boots that went up to his shins.

>>"How about we try and get Nate to bust us outta here?" Another voice spoke, from another cell. This convict had short brown hair, a tan uniform of some sort- honestly, he looked like a postal office worker- and black boots. His skin was yellow, just like Austin's, except he had large red dots on his cheeks.

<"Yeah, right. Kevin, how the hell do you think Nate's gonna find us." A fourth person answered. This one had vibrant green skin, and appeared to be like a frog.

<<"Hey guys, I think there's two dudes over by our cage." A fifth one noticed them. He looked alienlike, with pale grey skin and a green glass over his left eye. He wore some sort of blue and gold armor.

The convicts all turned their heads and looked at Mat and Brandon, a few of them with wide eyes.

^"Hey, is that Brandon and Mat..?" Alex asked.

>>"I think it is!" The alienlike one said.

<"Yo guys, bust us out!" The froglike one shouted. Brandon glared at him. He recognized that frog hybrid. That frog was the one he wanted to get his revenge on. Brandon managed to finally think of his name- Dominick. Brandon saw that look on Dominick's face- he had no idea what he Mat had become because of him. He saw the guilt on his face.

Mat was too busy breaking them out and asking the eight of the convicts for their names to notice the tension between them.

The convict with the white helmet introduced himself as Alex.
Austin introduced himself second.
The one with the red cheeks, Kevin, went third.
The frog said his name was Dominick.
The alienlike one said his name was Rashad.
A sixth prisoner, who looked like a bear, called himself Cody.
The seventh one, looking like a scientist with the strangle golden glasses he wore, was named Bruno.
The last one, Gavin, was also a bear- but he wore a white dress shirt underneath a pale red vest, as well as brown trousers.

"Mat, do you not remember who these guys are?" Brandon asked.

"Hmm, they look familiar, but I don't know.." Mat answered.

Brandon remembers but Mat doesn't. Damn, what did I do to him? Dominick thought. The panic was felt amongst the eight convicts- Brandon remembered them, but Mat didn't? Brandon knew what Dominick did. Mat didn't remember a damn thing.

"It's Team Ostrich, Mat. Team. Freaking. Ostrich. It's those guys." Brandon explained.

"Oh. They're the ones that-"

Before Mat could finish, Brandon interjected. "No, one of them. Only one of them."

"Which one?" Mat asked.

"It was me, okay?! It's my fault. I'm the one who almost killed you! I'm the reason why you're a robot! Are you happy now, Brandon? You can stop staring me down now!" Dominick confessed.

"I'll stop when someone tells you that your best friend is almost dead because someone almost killed him." Brandon said, voice laced with venom.

"We don't have time for this! Forget the past, if we want to live, we have to move! Look, I forgive you. It doesn't matter anymore. Don't hold grudges." Mat stopped Brandon from speaking any further.

"Alright, fine. Let's do this. But we're gonna need some weapons. I know Jordan's got an armory but I don't know where." Brandon said.

"Heh, Alex is great at finding things. And, he is also wonderful at getting caught." Austin sneered.

"The hell, man?" Alex was wide-eyed after the sudden insult.

"It's true isn't it?" Austin asked.

"...Yeah." Alex muttered.

"You two go and search for the armory. Make sure that your friend doesn't get caught. Three guys go and find Jordan's office. Two of you go and free other prisoners. And you, frog, go on look out. Mat, we're gonna find Jordan and get revenge. Got it?" Brandon asked.

In reply, Alex ran off with Austin chasing after him. Rashad, Bruno, and Cody went off to find the office, Kevin and Gavin went and started looking for prisoners, and the frog scanned the massive prison. Mat and Brandon stood there, sorting their thoughts.

"Hey, you think everything's gonna be okay after we break out? We have no idea where we are, and what if the plan backfires? What do we do then?" Mat asked.

"I'd rather drown in a lake than get experimented on by Jordan. I'd rather starve, burn in lava, get blown up by a creeper, anything like that. But there's one thing that I would rather get experimented on than do."

"What would that be?"

"Killing you and losing you again. I'd rather die than do that, even if it's slow and painful. No way I'd ever do that." Brandon said.

"Nice to know."
So much writer's block. Two weeks.
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snowstar4567's avatar
so I am guessing your not going to finish this?